When looking at total job-related fatalities, the construction industry in the United States often has the highest numbers. This has led many to refer to it as the most dangerous industry in the country. Even within construction, officials have identified four...
The 1 to Call... When You Need A Lawyer.
Month: September 2023
Do you and your co-parent agree on social media standards?
Social media is a part of daily life for many families. While it can be a useful tool for sharing memories and staying connected, it also introduces unique challenges for co-parents. Ultimately, it is important for co-parents to agree on social media standards...
3 financial steps to consider in a divorce
Divorce is challenging emotionally, even when both spouses are amicable. Divorce also results in significant financial changes that require careful planning and consideration. Being as prepared as possible can help you navigate your future financially and protect your...
Got into an accident at work? Steer clear of these 5 missteps
Workplace accidents can strike when you least expect them to. These could jeopardize your ability to earn and leave you with life-long injuries. If you're hurt on the job in Pennsylvania, you need to know how to protect your rights. Many workers make mistakes that...
Dispelling myths about workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania
Most people don't make the most of workers’ compensation benefits because they’re misinformed about how the system works. Misconceptions about who qualifies, what’s covered and how to file a claim can leave injured workers feeling frustrated, confused or even hesitant...
Modifying child support payments when you have a new child
Child support orders aim to provide financial stability for children, but life rarely follows a predictable path. When a new child enters the picture, it is natural to wonder how this impacts existing financial agreements. Is modification of the child support...
Scranton’s top industry is manufacturing, but injury risks abound
Scranton is renowned for its robust manufacturing sector, which serves as the backbone of the local economy. However, the industry is not without its risks. Workers in manufacturing facilities face a variety of hazards that can lead to serious injuries and long-term...
When to tell your spouse you want a divorce
Is there a right time to ask for a divorce? Can you tell your spouse you want a divorce too soon? When to inform a spouse about a divorce is a debatable subject. Some people believe it's appropriate to wait until the kids are old enough or after a holiday, etc. While...
Did divorce blindside you?
Divorce is always difficult, but when it is unexpected, it can be devastating. Being blindsided by your spouse asking for a divorce can cause you to fall into a deep depression where nothing makes sense. You may question your judgment and wonder why you never saw this...
Why might divorce be more complicated for a same-sex couple?
If you are considering divorcing, you probably know that there will be several obstacles to overcome over the next few months. That is true for every couple, no matter their make-up. However, if you and your partner are of the same sex, you need to know that you might...