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Did divorce blindside you?

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2024 | Divorce |

Divorce is always difficult, but when it is unexpected, it can be devastating. Being blindsided by your spouse asking for a divorce can cause you to fall into a deep depression where nothing makes sense. You may question your judgment and wonder why you never saw this coming. 

The shock of receiving an unexpected request for divorce can sideline you. The importance of self-care cannot be stressed enough. Permit yourself to process your feelings in whatever way helps. A spa day or meeting up with friends are some ways to cope with the immediate shock. Then, you must take action.

First things first

The most important thing you can do right now is protect your assets and interests. Consider the following:

  • What do I need to live comfortably after the divorce is finalized?
  • Who will get custody of the children?
  • Do you have to sell your house and move somewhere else?

While thinking about these things may be overwhelming, they are necessary considerations.

The next steps

The time to examine your financial situation is now. Gather your documentation to prepare you to face your spouse in court. Here is what you will need:

  • Financial statements and investment records
  • Retirement plans such as an IRA, Pension plans and your 401K
  • Insurance policies
  • Property that you own, including your house and business.
  • A copy of your will and any health directives, such as a living will.

If you and your spouse share checking or savings accounts, separate them and open individual accounts. This will deter your spouse from cleaning out your joint banking accounts.

Finally, an experienced guide can help to make a difficult situation a bit easier to handle. Once you have gathered all of your documentation, legal guidance can help you move forward.